Ne Var
Ne Yok
Spreehalle, Berlin
Ne Var Ne Yok ist ein mehrsprachiges, interdisziplinäres künstlerisches Erlebnis, das Musik, Erzählkunst und Performance-Kunst verbindet. Es spielt in einer allegorischen Welt mit drei Reichen: dem Land der Anwesenden, dem Land der Abwesenden und dem Raum "Weder Hier Noch Dort". Der türkische Titel hat eine doppelte Bedeutung: Er bedeutet sowohl „Weder hier noch dort“ als auch „Was gibt's, was nicht?“. Dadurch entsteht eine zusätzliche kommunikative Ebene, die einen Dialog über das Unbestimmte und den Zustand des Dazwischen eröffnet. Die Performance kombiniert dirigierte Improvisation, Licht- und Bühnendesign sowie verschiedene Musikstile wie Jazz und Spoken Word. Die Aufführung findet in der Spreehalle Berlin am 10. Oktober 2025 statt, mit einer Gruppe internationaler Künstler*innen.
Başak Yavuz: Komponieren, Dirigieren, Gesang
Serdar Yılmaz: Bühnen und Lichtgestaltung
Erik Leuthauser: Gesang
Jacobien Vlasman: Gesang
Taner Akyol: Baglama
Hazal Döleneken: Posaune, Gesang
Marc Sinan: Gitarre
Uygur Vural: Cello
Adam Goodwin: Kontrabass
Erdem Göymen: Schlagzeug
Long ago, in a time when the world was still full of wonder and undiscovered lands, there were three realms: the Land of Presence, the Realm of Neither Here Nor There, and the Forgotten Land of the Absentees.
The Absentees were once a people of the Land of the Presence, but in days forgotten by most, they chose to depart, into the veiled mists of a land unknown, seeking a new world of values. They found a new world under the ground, bathed in a dim blue light.In this land, physical forms, identities and gender had no meaning; their very names were but whispers in the wind, each composed of three ancient runes, barely remembered.
After the time known as the "Great Oblivion" that the Absentees lost their memories of the world they had left behind. Yet they did not mourn what was forgotten, for in their land, they lived as one, bound in harmony and understanding. Each evening, under the soft glow of the blue light, they would gather, led by their wise leader, Say. But these gatherings were not filled with stories of the past or dreams of the future. Instead, the Absentees would hum a single, haunting melody, a tune that echoed through the air, filled with fragments of forgotten memories. No one ever questioned this ritual, for it was all they had left. As the years passed, the Absentland became less of a chosen sanctuary and more of an accepted exile, a place where the Absentees quietly lived out their days.
One day, as they wandered through their shadowed realm, they discovered pieces of paper scattered on the ground. Upon these weathered fragments were written words of power and importance, though their meaning was lost to those who found them. These mysterious papers had not arrived by mere chance, for their journey was the doing of one from the Realm of Neither Here Nor There. This realm was inhabited by one who had once been on the same journey as the Absentees, but who had halted midway and carved out a solitary existence in the spaces between worlds. Over time, this being had grown bitter in their isolation, tearing asunder the writings they had once cherished. It was these tattered scraps that the wind carried to the Absentees, a gift or perhaps a curse, from the in-between.
As with all things in the world, this event was not without purpose, though it was known to none but the wind that bore the pages and the witnesses of this performance...